Saturday, February 23, 2013

"A Letter"


I keep leaving the receipts from the library's checkout stations inside the books I borrow, even when I bring the books back. It's not accidental.

At first, so that it could look like an accident, I left the printouts as they were but slid them between the pages of books I had particularly enjoyed, where passages or phrases that had struck me occurred. Then one day I took a receipt and drew an arrow on it, connecting one entry with another. Along the arrow's curve I wrote, "if you like this book...." I slipped the receipt between the last two pages of the text and deposited the book in the book drop. I've since taken to using sad faces and asterisks on my receipts as well.

I don't think the librarians here are able to inspect every page of every book that's returned, because one of the titles I checked out most recently came with a printout tucked inside--one that isn't mine. I know because written on it is a phone number I don't recognize along with a smiley face. And I know it's stupid, but I can't help think, "Is it? Is that really what this is?" Because the books that this person checked out are all really good reads. More than anything, that makes me wonder, and hope.


  1. I worked at a used bookstore for three years and I would find all sorts of things in books. If they were connected to the book or a message from the last reader, I left them in.
    I must confess, I did find a beautiful bookmark in a book and I kept it.

  2. Heh, I can understand why; at that point, I think it would've been fair game for anyone who picked up the book and found that lovely little bonus inside.

    Very cool that you left other notes and whatnots that you found inside. I wonder what kinds of stories you helped create in doing so. :)
