Sunday, February 24, 2013

"She's Got Legs"


"I know it's your first big makeover," Tina's aunt said as Tina poked one of the legs that dangled like slabs of meat from the hanger on the door. "I hope you're not nervous. But I completely understand it if you are. After all, we're talking about a whole new you here!"

Tina couldn't look at her. Her aunt's fingers were a clamp crushing her own. "I thought this was more about walking in someone else's shoes for a while," Tina said, the green swamp feeling in her stomach muddying her voice. "I mean, of all the cliched sayings to apply literally to a makeover session, wouldn't that one work better?"

Her aunt's laughter grated like glass beneath a metal edge. "Why, sure, sweetie, we'll go try on some new shoes, too," she said. "But if you think those old legs of yours are the best ones to go doing that in...." She nudged the legs to the side and opened the door. The sign that said "FITTING ROOM" shivered in its fluorescent panic overhead.

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